Pilot View, Inc. Included in FY2009 Federal Budget
May 5, 2008
Congress has voted to reinstate $51 million to the budget for fiscal year 2009 for the national Resource Conservation and Development Program. This program operates under the Department of Agriculture and funds 375 RC&D councils across the country.
"Pilot View RC&D will receive about $118,000 of this budgeted amount," said Al Engler, president of Pilot View RC&D. "We can then leverage that into $25-30 million for future environmental projects in our six-county region." Pilot View RC&D manages projects in Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin counties; it is one of ten RC&D councils in North Carolina. All are non-profit organizations relying on volunteers from the local communities to supplement a small staff in the identification, selection, and management of environmental and economic projects in predominantly rural and urbanizing communities.
According to the National Association of RC&Ds, the RC&D program is a critical tool for economic growth and conservation in communities across this nation. RC&D volunteers return $7.50 for every dollar the federal government invests in the program. Because RC&D areas are locally organized, sponsored, and led, the program provides an ideal way for residents to join together to decide what is best for their community.
"We have long enjoyed a strong relationship with both Senator Richard Burr and Representative Virginia Foxx in their support for our work in the 5th Congressional District," said Engler. "We appreciate their continuing support in seeing that funding is provided for these important projects that affect the quality of life we enjoy in this beautiful part of North Carolina."
Pilot View, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization established in 1991 to work with communities throughout six counties—Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry and Yadkin—to support local efforts to conserve and responsibly develop natural resources. The Council includes representatives from each of the counties. Information about Pilot View RC&D is available at www.pilotview.rcdnet.org or through its offices at 2714 Henning Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27106.